
Happiness, Party Of One

Happiness, Party Of One

“She was fragile, but her spirit was strong. When she decided not to give up on herself, her wings appeared.”

Everyone experiences fear at some point in their lives. It could be something simple or even something catastrophic. What is your deepest, darkest fear? Is it spiders?

Perhaps, it is something much deeper, like death. Maybe it is as simple as the fear of being alone.

Together Is Better

Together Is Better

“One reason people resist change is because they focus on what they have to give up, instead of what they have to gain”

When marriages end, two people that were once one, go their separate ways and continue with their lives. When marriages end that involve children, it is nearly impossible for the exes to have zero communication. Afterall, they created life together and that fact does not dissipate because the marriage is over.

For The Love Of Peace

For The Love Of Peace

“Remain calm in every situation because peace equals power.” – Joyce Meyer

In divorce, it is often our children struggle the most.  Their lives are disrupted, they go from home to home, and likely have completely different sets of rules and expectations at each house.

Adults that are going through a divorce will also have their own set of trials.  However, unlike children, adults have a better-established set of coping mechanisms that children have not yet developed.

You Cannot Tame A Wild Woman

You Cannot Tame A Wild Woman

“You are terrifying and strange and beautiful, something not everyone knows how to love.”

Being a woman who has been deemed by others as “difficult” to love may hold a weight that not many will understand. 
You may have been labeled as the “crazy chic” or  the “Ice Princess”, and perhaps you have even started to believe these titles and accepted them to determine who you are.


Stronger Tomorrow

Stronger Tomorrow

“It takes someone really brave to be a mother, someone strong to raise a child, and someone special to love someone more than she loves herself.”

It has been said many times before that divorce is like a death, both need to be grieved.  One of the major differences in the two, is in death, people expect and almost force you to grieve.  However, with divorce, people often do not understand the grieving process.   The truth is, there is no right or wrong way, and there is no time limit on how long you must wait before you move on after divorce.  We all handle things differently, and mourning a divorce is no different.

An Affair To Remember

An Affair To Remember

We all make mistakes, make bad choices, and miss judgement calls. If we didn’t, how else would we learn and grow? The affair I had with a much older man when I was 21, impacted my life and my perspective on love forever thereafter. It was a judgement call that I am only now speaking about publicly. I aim to be as transparent as possible, and in telling the story of John and I, there is no way around the truth of how we met, fell “in love”, and grew our family. The way in which we began our love story foreshadows the events that followed into our marriage and divorce.

Happily Ever After...Or So I Thought

Happily Ever After...Or So I Thought

After eight very long and traumatic years of marriage, and one week after my divorce was final, I thought it only appropriate to get married again.  Don’t judge me just yet, there will be plenty of time for that later.

Yes, I got married one week after my first divorce was final.  In my defense, we had been legally separated for three years.  I cannot recall why it took us that long to get a divorce.  If I am being honest, we may not have even been able to afford the divorce, or we were just stubborn and not willing to give in to the requests of the other party.  I know for certain that it was not because either of us wanted to or thought we would ever get back together.