Divorce is hard. It is ugly. It is painful, and nothing can really prepare you for what to expect. Add in children, step-parents, and co-parenting, and you have yourself a whole new set of issues.

When we began navigating these uncharted territories, we would often say, “There should be a manual for this.”

Much like parenting, divorce is just doing what you think is right, while hoping and praying for the best. We are going to tell you how we made it through (and are still working hard at) some of the most difficult times of our lives.

We will give you a glimpse into our lives - the good, the bad, and the REAL ugly! We promise to be raw and vulnerable, in hopes that our story will help just one person or family who feels hopeless and that there is no chance for a positive outcome.

Here’s to hoping you enjoy this real-life journey through our divorces, co-parenting, and chaos, as we share the truth…hers, mine, and ours.


My name is April, and I am happily married to my best friend. We have six children, four boys and two girls. God blessed my life by allowing me to give birth to three of those children, and He blessed me doubly by allowing me to help raise three more.  He must have known that something was missing, because God also promoted me to Lovie! Aside from motherhood, my grandson is the most precious gift I have ever been given.

I grew up a southern girl in small-town Tennessee.  As a child of divorced parents, I spent most of my childhood in a blended family.  While I do have a degree in Criminal Justice, my passion for beautiful smiles led me to a career in dentistry.  Being a military spouse has allowed me to travel and call many places home.

I am forever 26!  There is no particular reason for choosing that age, nothing completely and utterly magical happened to me at that time, I just love the number.  I love it so much that I have celebrated being 26 for over 10 years.

Organization, planning, and over-thinking are things I do like it is my part-time job. I enjoy learning new concepts and challenging myself. If you tell me it cannot be done, I will show you how well I can do it, send you pictures of it, make t-shirts for it, and write a Blog about it!  When I am able to have “me” time, I enjoy going to the beach, running, reading, finding local restaurants with amazing food, and practicing my passion – yoga!

To say I have had an easy life would be the biggest untruth I could ever tell. I am extremely blessed, but what I have has not come easy. Blood, sweat, tears, death, and divorces have made me who I am today.

The last four years (Ok, the last 30+ years) have been a living nightmare. I have questioned God and myself more times than I can count. Through it all, I kept hearing Him tell me that it was time to stop being ashamed, scared, embarrassed, and worried about what others would say or think. He told me to trust in Him and have faith that He would take care of everything. God told me that I should use my series of unfortunate events to help others in their journey.

My desire is that you find comfort in the vulnerability that Loren and I intend on sharing throughout our Blog. You will come to know me as someone that would drop everything for a friend, a hard worker, a loving and devoted wife, mother, and Lovie, the friend that is honest to a fault, and the Chihuahua that you want fighting along side you!

If you are looking for Lifetime Movie Network, meets Jerry Springer, meets Law & Order, meets Nancy Grace, meets Teen Mom, meets every reality television show, comedy, horror, eye-popping, show-stopping drama, (not a musical, but hey, who knows, I am up for just about anything) you can think of, that is what you will get from me. Or, if you are secretly nosey like I am and want a glimpse into my circus, read on friend! Whatever you are seeking, I assure you I have been there, done that, and have the t-shirt and matching hat to prove it!

My name is Loren, I am 32 years young, and happily divorced!  I am a single mom of 3 incredible, at times naughty, boys.  That’s right, ALL boys.  My uterus is blue, my bathroom will forever be covered in pee, and I know countless dinosaur facts that would impress any paleontologist.  God handed me a challenge knowing full well I would love being a boy mom!

I was born in San Antonio, Texas but grew up in Powder Springs, Georgia, a little town hardly anyone has heard of.  When you hear me say I am from Texas, that’s because I did a lot of back and forth between both states when I was growing up. Texas will forever have my heart and soul!  I grew up the oldest of 8 children from two blended families.  Being raised with the oh-so-pleasant honors of the oldest, roughly translated into being the Guinea Pig for all my parent’s hair-brained ideas on disciplining and raising a highly spirited child.  My younger siblings really should thank me for breaking the molds for them!

I graduated college from the University of Missouri at the age of twenty-eight.  I claim this college as my alma mater, however I collectively attended four colleges to earn said degree.  I have my Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences with a minor in Psychology.  This means absolutely nothing because I do not use my degree - at all.  In fact, it is shoved away in a box somewhere in my storage shed.  Graduating from college has become more of a check-in-the-box on my bucket list, rather than an actual achievement.  Shortly after graduation, I landed a job in home building, and I have loved working in the industry since.  What started as a job, has quickly become a career I see for myself far into the future.

When I’m not driving around the tristate area to drop off or pickup children, go to work, or grocery shop, I enjoy working out, teaching yoga, the beach, a glass (or 4) of wine, and just sitting in silence for any length of time my day allows.

My purpose and hopes for this Blog is to empower moms, wives, sisters, daughters, and all women in our collectively common struggles, setbacks, and victories.  If you know me, you know that I am the woman that will say what everyone else is thinking. I am unapologetic, unfiltered, and authentic.  Writing is not my strong suit, so please bare with me as I fumble through the English language and try to form complete sentences that make any sense at all.  Most importantly, I hope you will share with April and I in many moments of laughter, tears, and palm-to-forehead slaps.  We have so enjoyed writing our stories and are excited to have the opportunity to share them with you all!


We are not doctors, lawyers, licensed therapists, or professionals of any kind. This is just our story; how we worked together to get through our hardships and raise our children in a loving and supportive environment. We are just two women who have been living our own personal Hell for far too long, that we decided to take our situation and turn it into something good. What we write, the advice we give, is not intended to be the answer to all of your problems. This is just our “handbook” on how we are navigating through this crazy thing called life.