Burning Ring of Fire

Burning Ring of Fire

Some say that insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result each time.  Others believe it refers to a mental illness or madness.  For me, insanity was a state of mind, or the state of my life in this case…

Much of my childhood was spent in chaos.  There seemed to be more drama in our family than the soap operas I watched with Mamaw and Granny after school.  Nothing could have prepared me for the Hollywood movie scene I would be living during this time.  I prefer a very low-key existence.  I am rarely the center of attention, and I most definitely am not the type to enjoy the spotlight.  However, I was beginning to feel like my life was the center of an episode of “Punk’d”.  I kept waiting for Ashton Kutcher to jump out at any moment…sadly that never happened.